Sunday, November 15, 2009

thought on Holden after 18 chapters

Now that i have read these last chapters i have come to the conclusion that Holden really doesnt care about what anybody else thinks of him. He will go to these extreme measures to get a date with Sally and then he starts thinking she is sort of phony and get mad at her and tells her that "she is a pain in the ass". After saying that to Sally she got really mad and upset with him. He thought that she was just going to let it bounce off her. He starts saying he is sorry and she really doesnt want to hear it. Then he tries to get back on her good side but in the end she just leaves. I thought that he didnt care about any of the relationships that he build with most people he just wants something to do before he has to go back home to face his parents. He is very selfish and doesnt think of others feelings before he acts. this shows me that even though he want people to take him as a mature man he is still immature.


  1. he just needs to grow up.. or live in a world where it's acceptable to be an adult and ACT like a child.

  2. i think he has no idea what he wants and he does stuff without thinking at all and whats to be treated like an adult but no one does cuz he never acts like one.
